the sketch house

Join the surreal world of The Sketch House where artists, performers and the public respond to Robert Therrien's exhibition of surreal and oversized domestic objects through improvised sound, live music, durational performance, installed art, storytelling, drawing and poetry workshops.
Culminating in a happening on 5th September with installed art and performance. Bringing to life what the public create over the sessions.
1st August 2-4pm. MUSIC (live improvised sound by composers Federico Reuben and Keith Michael)
8th August 2-4pm THEATRE (durational performance by Alex Goodman)
15th August 2-4pm. ART (surreal object drawing workshop by Ellie Swingler)
29th August 2-4pm. POETRY (surreal poetry workshop by Mac Dunlop with results of art workshop and objects as inspiration )
5th September 2-4pm. A HAPPENING (Free event exhibiting artwork made in previous sessions. Live music, poetry dance and films)